** New Collection 2023 **


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Discover exclusive solid wood tables, smart desks and many other furniture and home accessories directly from the manufacturer.

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About us

The history of JANUFACTUR

The founder

Jan Weiken grew up in the small town of Detmold and founded JANUFAKTUR, then known as iLignum, in 2019 at the age of 22. At that time he was training as an aircraft mechanic in Munich, which he completed in the same year. The family's innate love of woodworking and the tangible dream of self-employment drew him back to his hometown.

His vision was to develop intelligent tables that would improve everyday work in the office and home office with the help of numerous technical gadgets. To this day, this is an integral part of the JANUFAKTUR range.

In order to always dare to think outside the box, Jan started studying architecture at the Technical University of Ostwestfalen-Lippe in addition to his entrepreneurial activities.


With the JANUFAKTUR, the founder Jan Weiken has created a place where he can let his creativity run free and where he can always test it during demanding projects. To this day, all JANUFAKTUR products are produced in the small town of Detmold by hand, with great attention to detail and the various materials. It often takes a few weeks or months from the first design sketches, through detailed 3D modeling to the finished product line, during which Jan disappears into the depths of his workshop with a vision in his head and works on his ideas. In this way, a large number of exciting furniture designs have emerged in recent years, which have matured into true masterpieces over time. In the meantime, they have found a new home in numerous shopfitting projects, private households, office and practice equipment. Since then, the JANUFAKTUR brand has been known for tables and solid wood furniture with the highest processing quality and exclusive designs.

Our visions

We want to grow so that others can grow. And that doesn't just mean the trees that we at JANUFAKTUR protect together with the Mission Earth association in tropical rainforests. This also means in particular our fellow human beings who have unequal opportunities due to birth. With the JANUFAKTUR brand, we want to show the world that profitability, sustainability, social commitment and structural change can not only be thought of together, but can also be implemented together. You can find out what concrete measures we are taking to meet the environmental protection mission in particular here.

Due to our high quality standards, expensive materials and fair production standards, we inevitably end up with our products in a slightly higher price category. We are aware that this unfortunately means that many people are prevented from participating in our work. In order to make our products accessible to more people in the future and at the same time to make an important contribution to the sustainable use of furniture, we are currently working on the implementation of a rental and leasing service for private and business customers. We produce high-quality solid wood furniture that can be used for generations due to its extremely long service life. Of course, this is not in keeping with today's times, in which, for example due to frequent moves, changing tastes and fast-moving trends, it is simply part of the process to constantly redesign facilities. In the future, we want to give you full flexibility to adapt your furnishings to the new circumstances, without pieces of furniture having to end up in bulky waste prematurely. We provide you with constantly up-to-date equipment, we take care of refurbishing used furniture and bringing it back into circulation.

In order not to miss the introduction of these and other service offers, we recommend our if you haven't already done so Newsletter  to subscribe. 

by Jan Weiken 23 August 2023
heute möchte ich mit einigen Marketinglügen aufräumen und dir die Unterschiede zwischen den Begriffen "Massivholz", "Vollholz" und "Echtholz" aufzeigen. Während diese Termini oft synonym verwendet werden, verbergen sich hinter ihnen tatsächlich teils subtile Unterschiede, die beim Kauf von Möbeln und bei Holzprojekten von großer Bedeutung sein können. Massivholz: Die Definition Der Begriff "Massivholz" bezieht sich auf Holz, das aus einem einzigen massiven Stück gewonnen wird. Es handelt sich um Holz, das direkt aus dem Stamm eines Baumes geschnitten wird. Massivholz bewahrt die natürliche Beschaffenheit des Baumes und zeichnet sich durch seine Robustheit und Langlebigkeit aus. Oftmals wird Massivholz jedoch mit dem Begriff "Vollholz" verwechselt. Sicherlich kann Massivholz auch aus Vollholz bestehen, es umfasst jedoch noch mehr. Unter der Kategorie Massivholz werden z.B. ebenfalls Plattenmaterialien eingeordnet, die aus mehreren Schichten Vollholz bestehen. Dazu zählen z.B. die 3- oder 5 Schicht Platte oder auch Stab-/Stäbchenplatten oder etwas umgangssprachlich Tischlerplatten genannt. Diese bestehen meist aus einem Kern aus günstigem Vollholz wie Fichte oder Kiefer und werden mit einer Hochwertigen Deckschicht aus Hartholz versehen. Vollholz: Die Nuancen "Vollholz" ist ein Begriff, der oft im Kontext von Holzverarbeitung und -handwerk verwendet wird. Im Wesentlichen beschreibt er Holz, das in seiner natürlichen Form belassen wurde, ohne dass Schichten entfernt oder verarbeitet wurden. Vollholz kann jedoch verschiedene Qualitäten aufweisen und stammt oft aus verschiedenen Teilen des Baumes. In jedem Fall handelt es sich aber um Massivholz, dass nicht aus mehreren Schichten zu einem Plattenwerkstoff weiterverarbeitet wurde. Wenn man also von einer Tischplatte aus Eiche Vollholz spricht, besteht diese auch zu 100% aus Eiche, ohne, dass ein paar Millimeter unter der Oberfläche ein Kern aus Kiefer zu Tage kommt. Echtholz: Die Authentizität Der Begriff "Echtholz" bezieht sich auf Holz, das tatsächlich aus einem natürlichen Baum stammt, im Gegensatz zu Holzimitationen oder Holzwerkstoffen. Echtholz kann sowohl Massivholz als auch Vollholz umfassen. In der Regel wird der Begriff Echtholz jedoch dann verwendet, wenn es sich lediglich um ein Echtholzfurnier handelt. Dieses wird dann meist auf ein billiges Trägermaterial wie Span- oder MDF Platten aufgetragen und soll dennoch das qualitative Image von Massivholz oder Vollholz tragen. Der Terminus Echtholz kann also sehr viel Umfassen, wird jedoch in vielen Fällen eingesetzt um unwissende Konsumenten hinters Licht zu führen. Nichtsdestotrotz lässt sich nicht abstreiten, dass die Oberfläche von Echtholzprodukten nun mal aus echtem Holz bestehen und daher sicherlich eine sehr schöne Optik und Haptik erreichen können. Dennoch sollte man sich der meist deutlich geringeren Lebensdauer dieser Produkte bewusst sein. Die feinen Unterschiede in der Praxis Beim Kauf von Holzmöbeln ist es wichtig, die Unterschiede zwischen Massivholz, Vollholz und Echtholz zu verstehen. Insbesondere Ohne Fachkenntnis kann man hier schnell in eine Marketingfalle tappen und der zunächst günstig erscheinende Preis des Möbelstücks ist dann plötzlich doch ganz schön überteuert gewesen. Wenn du mehr darüber erfahren möchtest, wie du hochwertige Massivholzmöbel erkennst und auf welche Details du beim Kauf deines nächsten Möbelstückes achten solltest, habe ich dir in diesem Blogartikel zusammengefasst. Gerne kannst du mich oder mein Team auch gerne um Rat bitten. Wir helfen bei jeglichen Fragen und Anliegen rund um Einrichtungsthemen kostenlos und unverbindlich zu jeder Zeit weiter. Hier findest du verschiedene Kontaktmöglichkeiten.
by Jan Weiken 23 August 2023
Holz ist nicht gleich Holz: Wie du erstklassige Massivholzmöbel erkennst
by Jan Weiken 15 August 2023
Esche, Eiche, geräucherte Eiche, amerikanischer Nussbaum oder BLACK OAK? Welche Holzart zu deinem neuen Möbel passt.
by Jan Weiken 3 August 2023
Die Kunst der Pflege von geölten Holzoberflächen: Erhaltung der Natürlichkeit und Langlebigkeit
by Jan Weiken 2 August 2023
Wähle den passenden Oberflächenschutz für dein Massivholzmöbel
by Jan Weiken 1 July 2023
Groß, klein, oder doch etwas dazwischen?

JANUFAKTUR & environmental protection

" I founded JANUFAKTUR with the aim of building a socially and environmentally compatible company. For this reason, our plants are based on a few important principles [...] "

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Our values in a nutshell

Sustainable raw materials and transparent supply chains.

We only use local wood from sustainable forestry, whose origin we can trace in detail. In our supply chain statement we give you transparent insights into where our raw materials, purchased parts and consumables come from, how they are produced and which routes they take to ultimately be processed into a unique JANUFAKTUR product.

Plastic, no thanks!

You won't find a River Table or any product that uses tons of plastic to make it. We love the natural raw material wood and want to preserve the unique look and feel of the grain, which has been formed over many decades, and appropriately accentuate it. We only use products such as epoxy resin to repair small wood defects.

For a stronger togetherness!

With the sale of our tables, we support regional and national projects for a more socially just world. In addition, we mainly work with local and small companies and thus give strong backing to many other world improvers.

Climate positivity.

We don't just want to talk about sustainability and CO2 neutrality, we want to show that it can go beyond that. In order to set a positive example and still be able to live on this planet with a clear conscience in many years to come, we have set ourselves the goal of actively helping to save this planet. Here you can find more information.

Do you already know our BLACK OAK collection? No?! Then join me on a brief excursion into the history of traditional Japanese woodworking. A process with the sonorous name Yakisugi already existed there hundreds of years ago. This is traditionally a method of preserving wood. In order to make the wooden surface resistant to the effects of the weather, the Japanese wooden construction used to char the surface of the native sickle fir, also known as sugi. This carbonization ensures that the surface is particularly water-repellent and develops a high resistance to mould, insects and fungi.

In addition to the functional effects of charcoal, I was particularly impressed by the look and feel of the surface. With the BLACK OAK collection, I took up these aspects and interwoven them with my love for minimalist furniture design. Since charring wood has all the advantages as well as some disadvantages, I finally decided on a different process when finalizing my designs. In order to achieve explicit effects that enrich my concept, the surface is first brushed after dressing and grinding to create a subtle structure. The oak is then colored with stain before the surface is sealed to protect it from external influences.

As beautiful as the process of charring is, it inevitably releases stresses in the wood, leading to severe cracks and warping. So if I were to prefer a rustic and rough style, this is certainly a desirable effect. In my imagination, however, the BLACK OAK collection should have a static, calm and monumental face.

The smaller sibling series of the BLACK OAK collection complements this with minimalist corpus furniture in the same style. The cubic shapes of the BLACK BOX series and their somewhat more filigree appearance create a harmonious unity with our BLACK OAK collection.

The solid table top floats gracefully in the room and exudes a monumental calm. With the FLOAT collection, I have managed to creatively place a special focus on the beautiful grain of my table tops, and undoubtedly trigger an unmistakable fascination in the viewer.

The name of the collection speaks for itself. FLOAT, which can be translated from English as gliding, hovering or drifting, reflects the most important design basis of this collection. In particular, the optical absence of an element of tables that is essential in our basic physical understanding - a supporting table frame in any form - is what makes the special characteristic of the FLOAT collection. This eye-catching design aspect will certainly initially cause a little irritation, which, however, promptly turns into enthusiasm in the next moment. The floating look of the table top is created by means of two panes of safety glass, which are clamped between two wooden panels and conically aligned to each other and attached under the table top. The safety glasses for the FLOAT collection are specially manufactured and hardened in cooperation with a local glazier using the float glass process, which also gives the title of the collection a technical reference. The interplay of different materials in a creative way awakens a great passion in me as a designer, especially when it is complemented by physical and constructive challenges. This led me to work intensively with the material glass and experimental approaches. After countless hours in my workshop, many failed attempts and ultimately mastered challenges, I can now proudly present a collection in which I have made the impossible possible.

In my work as a designer, I have a particular passion for the approach of merging different materials in a creative way. I am particularly enthusiastic about projects in which I succeed in creating an interplay of two materials, which initially represent a clear contrast in themselves. The MELT collection was finally created on this basis. As the name suggests, this collection is all about fusion. The steel runners, which are handmade from 10mm solid flat steel, merge in a minimalist way with the tabletop made of 40mm solid wood.

I was particularly impressed by the simplicity of the steel runners embedded on the side of this design. It is this simple yet extremely important detail that makes the MELT collection a versatile and timeless design range. No matter whether in rustic or ultra-modern furnishing styles, the MELT furniture adapts to its surroundings and once again enters into a creative fusion.

Especially when viewed from a distance, the furniture in the MELT collection appears downright filigree. They radiate a pleasantly static calm and are therefore wonderfully suited to creating a friendly and inviting room atmosphere. But don't let the light look fool you! Not only does the solid wood top have a considerable weight, the steel runners can also play in the same weight class thanks to their solid construction.

The JANUFAKTUR ErgoWork is an electrically height-adjustable desk. An absolute MUST HAVE for every home office! We certainly don't need to tell you more about the countless advantages of height-adjustable desks. However, to break it down to the essentials:

Thanks to the steplessly adjustable height of the work surface, the desk adapts individually to your optimal sitting and standing height, thus enabling you to have a varied and ergonomic working day. This not only protects your knees and back, it is also much more fun. Your personal sitting and standing heights can be programmed quickly and easily with the four quick selection buttons. Of course, our frames are also equipped with anti-collision sensors. ErgoWork desks from a size of 160 x 80 cm are equipped with a load capacity of 120 kg, smaller versions are just as well equipped with a permissible load capacity of 80 kg.

In addition to my favorite material, solid wood, the world of materials offers us a few other materials that meet my requirements in terms of their ecological footprint. One of these materials is linoleum. In contrast to comparable materials such as PVC or HPL, which are made from plastics, linoleum is made from renewable raw materials. The most important component, linseed oil, has given the laminate its sonorous name. The British chemist Frederik Walton developed this versatile material together with cork or wood flour, some natural resins, organic dye and jute fabric for reinforcement. For a long time it was mainly used as a floor covering. The slight elasticity, high abrasion resistance and the resulting longevity have made linoleum an extremely hard-wearing floor covering.

For some years now, however, the properties of linoleum have not only been valued and used for floors. It is also playing an increasingly important role in furniture surfaces. Personally, I am particularly impressed by the unique feel of the surface. The homogeneous structure, velvety surface and the minimally noticeable elasticity convinced me that this is an optimal surface, especially for desks. Since the surface has properties similar to those of a leather pad, accessories such as mouse pads and writing pads are integrated into the desk's properties and additional purchases are no longer necessary.

The table tops of the JANULINO collection are made of multiplex coated on both sides with linoleum. The connection with the frames is the epitome of successful design in the JANULINO collection, which brings optics and functionality into harmony.

The design collection with real impact! Sustainability and careful use of resources is an essential part of planning our collections. Not only do we bind large amounts of carbon in our furniture by processing solid wood and support the preservation of our precious rainforests with the 2% for the Planet campaign, we also believe that the recycling of raw materials is the most important part of climate-positive production .

With the WASTELESS collection, I have succeeded in creating a design series that consists of almost 100% recycled materials. The tabletops in this collection are made from the gym floor of a former elementary school. Framed in oak scantlings and combined with a solid wood frame made from recycled oak, I have successfully taken recycling to the extreme.

In addition to the environmental friendliness, I was particularly impressed by the nostalgic value of the WASTELESS collection. The idea of how many people have already played sports on the recycled gym floor, what experiences are associated with this place, makes me downright awestruck. My own father told me that he played volleyball on this floor for many decades. If you have ever set foot in the gym of the former Paulienenschule in Detmold, you will almost certainly have stood on this material.

I deliberately designed the wooden frames of the WASTELESS collection in a trapezoidal shape in order to retain the theme of the gym and its flair. The look creates a creative reference to traditional springbok.

The ANVIL lives up to its name. The solid steel panels, which are handcrafted from 10mm thick flat steel, give the table irrefutable stability. This feature particularly reminded me of a massive anvil, which is how the ANVIL got its name. With its monumental appearance, this model creates a spatial haven of tranquility and, thanks to its minimalist design, can be used in a wide variety of ways.

Since we manufacture each frame to order, we are able to adapt the color of the coating to your individual needs. By default, we coat the steel stringers in the color RAL 7021 - black-grey, but you are welcome to tell us your desired RAL color.

CROSS Dining - This elegant dining table is a real gem, especially for loft-style living rooms and impressive conference rooms. The 4cm thick solid wood panel is mounted on a one-piece steel frame made of 80x40mm square tubes. The asymmetrical frame is handcrafted by our metal workers and offers plenty of legroom thanks to its cross-shaped design. In the standard version, the frame is provided with a matt black powder coating. However, we can also coat it in any RAL color to match your interior. A glossy coating is also possible here! Simply tell us the color you want when selecting the frame color.

Are you looking for a timeless classic? Then put it together with just a few clicks to suit your needs.

With the JANUFAKTUR Classics, we would like to give you the opportunity to put together your personal classic from a selection of popular, traditional table designs without having to forego the usual JANUFAKTUR quality and optional features.

In just a few steps, you can configure the desired dimensions, type of wood, edge shape and surface treatment of the solid table top in our web shop or together with your furnishing consultant, as well as add desired features such as extension leaves, cable outlets and much more. Coupled with the timeless steel and wood frames, as well as our valued processing quality, this creates your dream table, which will accompany you and your loved ones for many decades.

experiences of our customers

Contact with Jan was uncomplicated and reliable. I am very enthusiastic about the beautiful table, which I always wanted to have. Absolute recommendation!

Katrin E., Hamburg

I am absolutely satisfied with both side tables and can highly recommend JANUFAKTUR. The nice contact with Jan was very friendly, uncomplicated and absolutely reliable. All change requests and Jan's ideas were implemented without hesitation and delivered quickly.

Sylvio W., Bergisches Land

Jan took a lot of time to design my dream table with me and gave me the best advice right from the start. He took my wishes into account and implemented them perfectly with great attention to detail. I am delighted with the result and can recommend his work without reservation!

Charlotte K., Munich

We confronted Jan with our idea of a coffee table and he implemented our wishes perfectly. Super fast and pleasant communication, reliable and even self-delivery! We are excited!

David B., Cologne


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