Hier erwarten dich ausgefallene Möbel aus Massivholz, Glas und Metall. Von beeindruckenden Esstischen, über ergonomische Schreibtische, bis zu stilvollen Nachttischen und Wohnaccessoires, bietet die JANUFAKTUR alles, was das Designherz begehrt.
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The JANUFAKTUR BLACK Oak Edition, a unique eye-catcher!
Under the deep black stain is a dining table made of solid oak. The brushed structure and the matte sealing give it an extremely durable, easy to clean and natural surface. Here, the hundreds of annual rings can not only be seen and counted, but rather felt through every single touch. Even if this feeling is difficult to transport through this text, I can assure you that you will not be able to let go of this table with your fingers. This model is visually and haptically simply a freaky experience!
Tip: You can find here in the store many other matching products of the BLACK Oak series!
The BLACK Oak dining table is available in sizes from 140x70cm to 300x100cm.
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